ICO Sofia Open 2022, powered by Speedminton

The First Crossminton International Tournament in Bulgaria – ICO Sofia Open 2022, powered by Speedminton, was held in Elin Pelin town on 15.10.2022. We are truly satisfied from the organization and the results. We want to say a big “Thank you” to all players, administrators and everyone who contributed to this first in its scale event. All the gold medals went to Serbia. – Boris Jerkovic won the Open Division, – Katarina Blazev won the gold in Women Singles Division after Selena Stojacic retired due to injury during the match for the title, – Boris Jerkovic and Alida Jerkovic won the Open Doubles Division. Serbian players won also: – a silver medal – Selena Stojacic and a bronze medal – Alida Jerkovic in Women Singles, – as well as silver in Open Doubles – Katarina Blazev / Selena Stojacic. From Bulgaria: – Ventsislav Traychev won a silver medal in Open Division, – Aleksandar Dimitrov and Andrey Georgiev won bronze medals in Open Division, – Bistra Ilieva won a bronze medal in Women Singles Division. In Open Doubles two Bulgarian doubles won the bronze medals – Bistra Ilieva / Ivo Iliev and Andrey Georgiev / Ventsislav Traychev.
Here are the winners :
Open division :
1.Boris Jerkovic
2.Ventsislav Traychev
3/4 Andrey Georgiev
3/4 Aleksandar Dimitrov
Women singles division :
1.Katarina Blazev
2.Selena Stojacic
3/4 Bistra Ilieva
3/4 Alida Jerkovic
Open doubles division :
1.Alida Jerkovic/ Boris Jerkovic
2.Katarina Blazev / Selena Stojacic
3/4 Ventsislav Traychev / Andrey Georgiev
3/ Bistra Ilieva/ Ivo Iliev

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